
Active Flag 2019

Active Schools Week 2019 in GSNS was a superb one with so many exciting events taking place all week. On Friday we finished off in style with all the children in the school hall doing our whole school dance which was followed by a Teachers – v- 6th class obstacle course race on a very wet and slippy field. We will post some of those videos on the site too so keep checking as they are very entertaining!! You can see for yourselves who won !!

We had a very very special guest who came to help raise our Active Flag and she was accompanied by the Minister for Sport Shane Ross. As you can see from the photos below we were extremely delighted to welcome Stephanie Roche to our school to help us raise our Active Schools Flag. Stephanie was inspirational when she spoke to all of the children in the school in our sports hall. She is an amazing role model and she spoke to all of the children at length about the importance of sport and of a healthy lifestyle. She was challenged to a “keepy uppy” competition by some of our most talented footballers but of course she won! A little birdy told us it was her birthday during the week too so she was presented with some flowers from some of our youngest children in the school. She took time to answer each and every one of the questions posed to her from children throughout the school. We then went outside to raise our Active Flag. Check out the photos below and there will be lots more to follow.