Members of the Board of Management are as follows:
Brian Swan – (Chairperson & Patron’s Nominee)
Fr. Brian Edwards – (Patron’s Nominee)
Brian Gorham – (Community Nominee)
Brendan McDonald – (Treasurer & Parent Nominee)
Barbara Torres Kerr Pinheiro – (Parent Nominee)
Orlaith Veale – (Principal & Secretary to the Board)
Eimear Hannigan – (Teacher’s Nominee and Recording Secretary)
WHAT does it do?
The responsibilities of the Board of Management are many and varied:
To manage school on behalf of the Patron
For the benefit of the students
Provide an appropriate education for each student
Day – to – Day Responsibilities:
Ensuring quality of learning
Recruitment of staff
Ensuring quality of teaching
School plan – develop and review
School Policies – develop and review
Safety and well-being in a happy and safe place
Meet a minimum of 4 – 5 times per Academic year
Appointed for a 4-year term commenced 1st December 2015 and runs to 30th November 2019
HOW does it go about it?
Work to an Agenda at each meeting
requires 2 weeks’ notice in writing for matters to be raised
meeting times to be communicated e.g. calendar or available from Principal
Work is done as a Corporate Body in a Governing sense
Individuals do not act as representatives of various groups as it is not a forum to air views
Do you have something you wish to raise with the Board?
Send a letter two weeks in advance of next meeting (as advised by Principal) to:
The Chairperson
Good Shepherd National School
Whitehall Road
Dublin 14
Useful links
Department of Education and Skills
NPC – National Parents Council
CPSM – Catholic Primary Schools Management Association
Citizens Information