
Junior Language Class 2024-25

Friendship Week
Friendship Week was a great opportunity for us to show our friends how much we care about them and practice random acts of kindness! We loved participating in 'Secret Friend' every day this week and had lots of good discussion about how to be a good friend. We also designed colourful lollipop sticks for our school mural - well done everyone!
Nativity Play
Well done to all the cast of our annual nativity play! It was a super performance and a lot of hard work went into learning all the songs and lines. Round of applause for everyone!
Winter and Christmas Art
We have been busy creating a winter wonderland! Our class has made cute penguins, beautiful snowmen and even a cheeky Grinch! Well done to all the children for being so creative and making such amazing artwork. 
Maths Week 2024
Our mathematicians had a great time celebrating Maths Week! We took part in activities alongside lots of other schools around Ireland, including maths-themed story telling sessions. We loved waving to all the other classes on Zoom! We had a fun-filled week playing lots of maths games such as Snakes and Ladders, Connect-4, Dominoes and more. Maths is so much fun!
Amazing Artists
One of our favourite subjects is art! What a colourful month we had in September. We have been experimenting with colour mixing with the primary colours and creating many different shades of the rainbow. We are now exploring the beautiful hues of autumn. Well done to these amazing artists!
Pancake Tuesday
We have been learning all about Lent and that this is a time for us to be kind, helpful and maybe even sacrifice something. We really enjoyed celebrating Pancake Tuesday together by making delicious pancakes with all the toppings!
Merry Christmas!
The excitement leading up to Christmas was palpable in our classroom! The children enjoyed a magical visit to Santa's Grotto, where they met the man himself and shared their Christmas wishes. We wrote Christmas cards and went out to post them to our families. We also designed Christmas decorations and decorated Christmas cookies. To celebrate the last day of school we played games like pass the parcel and musical statues. Merry Christmas everyone!
Science Week 2024

This week we celebrated Science Week! We had a fantastic time exploring the wonderful world of science through exciting experiments, hands-on activities, and a special visit from a real-life scientist! We were lucky enough to have a visit from a biology expert who taught us all about mini-beasts. We even got to observe some fascinating creatures that live in the grounds of our school! We also really enjoyed our Lego session. We learned about different types of boats and experimented with sinking and floating. Science Week has been a fantastic opportunity for our class to explore the world around us and discover the wonders of science. 

Sponsored Walk
It was a beautiful day for our sponsored walk to Loreto Park! We set out with our scavenger hunt in hand and worked together to spot signs of autumn. We discussed the leaves changing colour and the different types of trees we observed. We kept our eyes peeled for birds, insect and squirrels. Finally, we went to the playground and had lots of fun playing together. What a fantastic day out! Thanks so much to all the families for your support.
Young Yogis
Our class has started yoga classes on Thursdays! We have been learning yoga poses, breathing techniques and engaging in mindfulness and meditation. The children are really enjoying stretching, relaxing and having fun together!